TSPSC(Telangana State Public service commission) released the web notification for 1365 posts under Group III services. Applications are invited and will be available on https://www.tspsc.gov.in from 24-Jan-2023.
The Submission of ONLINE applications started from 24-Jan-2023.Last date and time for submission of ONLINE applications is upto 5.00 PM on 23-02-2023. The payment of Fee will be accepted upto 5:00 P.M of last date for submission.
Here is the full detailed notification : TSPSC Group III Notification
Application Submission Start Date | 24-Jan-2023 |
Application Submission Start Date | 23-Feb-2023 |
Fee Amount | Rs. 200 |
Age Criteria | 18-44 years |
Education Qualification | Must possess a Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or a State Act or any other equivalent recognized qualification. (Please check the notification for more details) |
Age Criteria, Pay Scale :
Detailed Notification with breakup of vacancies, age, scale of pay, Community, Educational qualifications and other detailed instructions will be available on Commission’s Website (https://www.tspsc.gov.in) from 24-Jan-2023.